UtimateFlags is more than a store; it’s a tribute to American values and history. The company is deeply committed to supporting charitable veteran and first responder groups. The company’s dedication to these heroes reflects in its participation with organizations like the Sacred Mountain Retreat Center and local veteran assistance groups in Florida. Read more https://ultimateflags.com/
The company’s founders have a passion for flags, history and patriotism. They are proud to offer rare and hard-to-find historical flags as well as standard American flags and patriotic items. They also specialize in incorporating a customer’s design idea into a flag.
UltimateFlags: Where Quality Meets Tradition in Flag Craftsmanshi
Located in North Florida, the company was founded on the Fourth of July, 1997. Currently, Ultimate Flags has more than 10,000 unique flag designs available in the online store. The collection includes historic war flags such as Betsy Ross, Molon Labe and Come and Take It; US Civil War and Revolutionary War flags; all 50 Star USA Flags; American themed pins, signs and hats; and many other patriotic items. The company is now offering more Made in USA flags than ever before.
Customers can choose the size of a flag, the material and the mounting method. The website also provides tips on how to care for a flag and how to mount it properly. All orders are securely processed and shipped. The company offers a no-hassle return policy and discreet packaging for gift shipments. In addition, customers can request no invoice by making a note in the comment section of the checkout page.