A Review of B&T’s Tree Service

B&T’s Tree Service Blog Company is an established leader in the industry. They’ve dedicated their website to providing a wealth of information and a quick, easy way to book services. The company is always expanding their knowledge of tree care and offering additional services. Here you’ll find:

How Clearwater Tree Service Made Me A Better Salesperson

“I live near the mountains, and every year B&T’s puts out a maintenance calendar that shows all the trees that have been cut, managed, or planted and when they were planted. They also have a blog that outlines how each tree was selected, why it was chosen, and the steps that are taken to care for it.” – Kim Westwood, B&T’s customer service representative

“I also love the B&T’s Tree Service section on their website. It is full of different stories of how our trees are cared for and what the future plans are for those trees that are in danger of dying. You can also check out the videos that are posted there.” – Jennifer Tittler, B&T’s director of communications and public affairs. an Ask a Tree service page where I can post questions of my own.” – Karen Baucom, KVAL radio producer and host of the B&T’s Facebook page.